Hello friends, welcome back to our channel, today we will discuss about the amazing topic which will make you so much benefits that you can use calculator as photos and videos to hide secretly. HOW TO HIDE PHOTOS VIDEOS VAULT APPLICATION.
- This app can makes your secret videos and secret photos to hide in different way friends.
- So the app is known as calculator hide photo, video
- No one can see your photos and videos friends. You can hide it on very secret location.
- This amazing app available on play store now with 3plus ratings and 1million plus downloads also with 34k plus good reviews.
- This app size is only 6.4 mb
This app was developed by applus studio management and released on feb272022, and they latest updated on sep16 2022.
Benefits Of This Application :
- There are many benefits with this app friends and no one can see which photos and videos what in your gallery and you can use this app as a normal calculator too..
- While uses this app calculator no one can guess this calculator app may store the photos and videos.
- There is calculator video lock calculator photo vault no one knows it except you friends.
- You may also lock files,notes,contacts in secret calculator app.
- Easily anytime use the app anytime for import photos and export videos.
Without This App Disadvantages :
- There is no secret place to store your secret photos in your normal mobile gallery.
- So that any one of your friends,family all can see your secret photos,videos.
- Please download and this amazing hiding app friends.
How To Download This Application :
- To download this secret app ,open your mobile and turn on mobile data.
turning on mobile data ,search plays tore in your mobile. - After finded out plays tore ,then open plays tore .
- Opening see at the top of your mobile screen search bar will appeared.
- Now click on that search bar.
Check our More Article’s from here :
Follow This steps in Hide photos videos application :
- Then clicking on that search bar keyboard will be opened.
- After opening keyboard type calculator hide photos,videos app typing app name click on search option.
- Clicked on the search option your mobile will load some apps In that apps you have select second application. Click on that app
- On the app install option will appears. Now click on that install option .
- click on that install option your mobile will download that app successfully after some seconds.
After downloaded Hide photos videos Application and permissions:
- Installed successfully now click on open option.
- After clicked on that open option. That apps ask you to create one secret password. Now you have to create your secret password.
- Created password now click on the [= equal] button.
- On [= equal] button you have to one simple question to recover your password in future.
- That helps you to when you will forgotten the secret password. And then click on the photos option and allow storage permission.
Setting in Application :
- In settings option you can change your password.
- And another change the security question.
- safety you can take picture and hide your photos and videos safely.
How to use this Hide photos videos Application :
- Now on home there are many types of options are appeared,
- In that in first option photos are secretly stored.
- Another you may hide yours personal videos on video option .
- In third option you can hide files very secretly.
- In fourth option contacts also hided here successfully in this contact options friends.
- And you your important notes in this notes option..
- And also friends you can recycle or restore your photos ,videos,nootes ,contacts,files,all this from recycle bill option.
- The recycle bin very good option in app too.
- Friends. Not only photos,videos,files,notes in this app .
- There is another feature such browsing option friends.
- this option is at middle of your mobile screen that is in name of private web browser.
- Now click on the private web browser option friends.
- After clicked on that private web browser option there you can search every thing you can search friends
Conclusion About This Hide photos videos Application :
- Hope you all understand this video friends,
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- share our video with your friends and family to know about this amazing app’s benefits